Facebook vir 5 Februarie 2025
“Staat moet wéér opdok vir mediese nalatigheid:”
Ons gesondheid probeer om baie goeie dienste te lewer mààr die kundigheid en bestuur laat die pap op die grond val. – Billy Heydenrych
How many can afford to sue them? – Paul de Klerk
“Die Namibiese Hokkie-unie se nasionale vrouespan het pas ’n groot slag geslaan by die Binnenshuise Wêreldbeker:”
Jo dames, dit wil gedoen wees. Julle is sowaar groot kampioene daar. Australië is wêreldklas-spelers en julle wys hul ’n ding. Super trots op julle! – Billy Heydenrych
“Oshana police warn FNB Namibia to tighten security:”
Banks take no responsibility when they lose your money. MTC either. Why did we register and why do I need identification if the bank cannot even identify the accounts involved? They just shrug and send you another invoice. – Andrew Davids
None of FNB’s money is missing, nor do they have that huge amount, but the rest of its clients get scammed every day and lose their money. – Reys Kapps
Do something about it, because you are the law and you can not get to the bottom of things like this in Namibia, try to be on TV, with a positive way and stop trying. – Francois Victor
FNB Namibia there is no way you will tell the public that the money was transferred into another FNB account but no evidence. – K Faustinus Mushampe
Telecom should also register or do something with those main lines. Those scammers are calling with telephone lines and if you call back it doesn’t exist. I intercepted a lady who was called with a telephone line just as they were asking her to give the digits on the bobcard. I took the phone. I asked the gentleman that was talking if he knew Mr Kenneth working at Otjiwarongo Main Branch, he immediately cut the line and we tried to call back, but nothing. I told the woman you are lucky, don't share your digits with anyone. – Julius Kenahama
Even if someone has a degree in stealing they don’t know who is having which amount in the bank. – Natasha Uiras Mumba
I also lost N$3 000 as a pensioner, because of an ATM reset and they never checked the camera and bank support zero. – Ingo Irle
I think personal information is leaking out somewhere! – Andre Mostert
FNB is a foreign bank. The criteria they use for recruiting staff should be questioned. Bank WHK is Namibia's own bank and I think they care more about their clients. I think there should be some psychology involved in the recruiting process. Companies are hiring thugs left and right. – Noel Krohne
Instead of working on security issues they lower the OTP to 16 hours. If you reset your password your account is locked for 24 hours while with other banks they reset it immediately. (Frustrating their customers). Lastly they must suspend cellphone banking until they get their house in order and concentrate on internet banking. They have to put a once off limit on online transactions. – Thomas Shilongo Shikwambi
Definitely inside information. People get phoned and the caller has all the personal details. – Julia Ludick Hart
Hmmm waar moet ’n mens geld bêre? Onder die bed, dan krap die kinders orals, deesdae is niks meer veilig nie, geld waarvoor jy gesweet het is ook nie meer joune nie. So, mense moenie so baie geld gaan bêre by die bank nie, eet julle geld. – Senjorita Benjamin
Important stats: How many members of staff are dismissed from the banks on an annual basis? How many take information from the bank to defraud the banks? How many collude with staff working in the bank for fraudulent purposes? Surely strict recruitment and selection screening is a must. What about a mandatory lie detector test on each job application. It won’t have 100% success and will make some mistakes but will bring down the crook count. With rampant fraud and misappropriation the banks are struggling to maintain the confidence a trust of the banking public. Why bank with a particular bank if they cannot guarantee the safety of your funds? It’s a constant wrangle as to who must take responsibility for the fraud and the banking public mostly pull the short straw. The banks still make huge profits so who cares. In essence nobody worries if the money remains in the economy. Thieves prosper and still buy goods and services but it’s a real problem for our economy when fraudulent funds leave the country. Banks are continuously behind the fraud curve, the crooks being ahead all the time. Why do banks not guarantee the safety of your money? They guarantee the safety of your money but not if you are guilty of negligence.
The bank is aware of all this and the best they could do is work on their security system. – Beatrice M Mukisi
* Rubrieke, meningstukke, briewe en SMS’e deur lesers en meningvormers weerspieël nie noodwendig die siening van Republikein of Network Media Hub (NMH) nie. As mediahuis onderskryf NMH die etiese kode vir Namibiese media, soos toegepas deur die Media-ombudsman.
Ons gesondheid probeer om baie goeie dienste te lewer mààr die kundigheid en bestuur laat die pap op die grond val. – Billy Heydenrych
How many can afford to sue them? – Paul de Klerk
“Die Namibiese Hokkie-unie se nasionale vrouespan het pas ’n groot slag geslaan by die Binnenshuise Wêreldbeker:”
Jo dames, dit wil gedoen wees. Julle is sowaar groot kampioene daar. Australië is wêreldklas-spelers en julle wys hul ’n ding. Super trots op julle! – Billy Heydenrych
“Oshana police warn FNB Namibia to tighten security:”
Banks take no responsibility when they lose your money. MTC either. Why did we register and why do I need identification if the bank cannot even identify the accounts involved? They just shrug and send you another invoice. – Andrew Davids
None of FNB’s money is missing, nor do they have that huge amount, but the rest of its clients get scammed every day and lose their money. – Reys Kapps
Do something about it, because you are the law and you can not get to the bottom of things like this in Namibia, try to be on TV, with a positive way and stop trying. – Francois Victor
FNB Namibia there is no way you will tell the public that the money was transferred into another FNB account but no evidence. – K Faustinus Mushampe
Telecom should also register or do something with those main lines. Those scammers are calling with telephone lines and if you call back it doesn’t exist. I intercepted a lady who was called with a telephone line just as they were asking her to give the digits on the bobcard. I took the phone. I asked the gentleman that was talking if he knew Mr Kenneth working at Otjiwarongo Main Branch, he immediately cut the line and we tried to call back, but nothing. I told the woman you are lucky, don't share your digits with anyone. – Julius Kenahama
Even if someone has a degree in stealing they don’t know who is having which amount in the bank. – Natasha Uiras Mumba
I also lost N$3 000 as a pensioner, because of an ATM reset and they never checked the camera and bank support zero. – Ingo Irle
I think personal information is leaking out somewhere! – Andre Mostert
FNB is a foreign bank. The criteria they use for recruiting staff should be questioned. Bank WHK is Namibia's own bank and I think they care more about their clients. I think there should be some psychology involved in the recruiting process. Companies are hiring thugs left and right. – Noel Krohne
Instead of working on security issues they lower the OTP to 16 hours. If you reset your password your account is locked for 24 hours while with other banks they reset it immediately. (Frustrating their customers). Lastly they must suspend cellphone banking until they get their house in order and concentrate on internet banking. They have to put a once off limit on online transactions. – Thomas Shilongo Shikwambi
Definitely inside information. People get phoned and the caller has all the personal details. – Julia Ludick Hart
Hmmm waar moet ’n mens geld bêre? Onder die bed, dan krap die kinders orals, deesdae is niks meer veilig nie, geld waarvoor jy gesweet het is ook nie meer joune nie. So, mense moenie so baie geld gaan bêre by die bank nie, eet julle geld. – Senjorita Benjamin
Important stats: How many members of staff are dismissed from the banks on an annual basis? How many take information from the bank to defraud the banks? How many collude with staff working in the bank for fraudulent purposes? Surely strict recruitment and selection screening is a must. What about a mandatory lie detector test on each job application. It won’t have 100% success and will make some mistakes but will bring down the crook count. With rampant fraud and misappropriation the banks are struggling to maintain the confidence a trust of the banking public. Why bank with a particular bank if they cannot guarantee the safety of your funds? It’s a constant wrangle as to who must take responsibility for the fraud and the banking public mostly pull the short straw. The banks still make huge profits so who cares. In essence nobody worries if the money remains in the economy. Thieves prosper and still buy goods and services but it’s a real problem for our economy when fraudulent funds leave the country. Banks are continuously behind the fraud curve, the crooks being ahead all the time. Why do banks not guarantee the safety of your money? They guarantee the safety of your money but not if you are guilty of negligence.
The bank is aware of all this and the best they could do is work on their security system. – Beatrice M Mukisi
* Rubrieke, meningstukke, briewe en SMS’e deur lesers en meningvormers weerspieël nie noodwendig die siening van Republikein of Network Media Hub (NMH) nie. As mediahuis onderskryf NMH die etiese kode vir Namibiese media, soos toegepas deur die Media-ombudsman.
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