Hunting permits
Hunting permits

Hunting do’s and don'ts in Namibia

Stick to the rules
Learn all about the processes that hunters have to adhere the regulations in Namibia
Ellanie Smit
Namibian law states that a hunter may take only two animals of each species per year on a regular trophy hunting permit, irrespective of if the trophies are exported or not.

However, spokesperson of the environment ministry Romeo Muyunda said that in the case of carcal, spotted and brown hyena only one is allowed.

Huntable game species can be hunted over the period from 1 May to 31 August in the case of commercial farms of not less than 1 000 hectares and which are enclosed with registered game-proof fences and on registered conservancies where quotas have been approved for huntable game species.

Also, huntable game species can be hunted from 1 June to 31 July in the case of commercial farms not less than 1 000 hectares in size and which are enclosed with an adequate fence (normal livestock fence).

A single hunter may hunt the following: Three large game animals, or two large game and four small game animals, or one large game and eight small game animals, or 12 small game animals.

Large game species consist of kudu and/or oryx and small game species consist of springbok and/or warthog.

No person shall hunt more than one kudu during the hunting season.

Prior permission from the Agriculture, Water and Land reform ministry's directorate of veterinary services (DVS) is required to transport warthog or part of warthog from the land where it was obtained, and for any game meat or product of game meat or game birds or products of game birds to be exported from Namibia.

It does not allow game meat to be transported from north of the veterinary cordon fence.


Meanwhile, the Namibian Police will not allow the import of any automatic firearm or any handgun by visiting hunters, and such firearm may not be used for hunting. The importation of hunting rifles for the hunting of huntable game and shotguns for the hunting of huntable game birds will only be allowed on the presentation by the hunter of a letter of invitation from the farm owner, lessee or conservancy committee where the hunt will take place. It is the responsibility of the relevant owner, lessee or committee to fax or mail an invitation letter to the hunter.

Hunting permits will only be issued to farm owners or lessees, or in the case of registered conservancies, to the conservancy committees.

A fee of N$100 shall apply for each permit.

Hunting permits cannot be used to take horns (trophies) out of Namibia. No such export may take place without prior permission from the environment ministry.

Hunting permits will be issued to the farm owner or lessee or registered communal conservancy committee upon submission of a written invitation to the prospective hunter. The farm owner, lessee or committee must provide the white copy of the permit to the hunter and report back to permit office by returning the blue copy with the required information filled in. The white copy of the permit is required for the transport and export of any game meat resulting from such hunting and should remain in the possession of the hunter.

Failure by farm owners, lessees or committees to report back is an offence and punishable by law and may lead to the refusal by the environment ministry to issue further permits to the relevant party.

No permit will be directly issued to any hunter. It is the responsibility of the farm owner, lessee or committee to apply for and obtain the permits.

Hunting permits can be obtained during normal office hours at the ministry's regional offices or in Windhoek at the permit office of the directorate of scientific services.

Muyunda further said all trophy hunts need to be facilitated by a Hunting Guide, Master Hunting Guide, or Professional Hunter.

“Trophy hunting permits are valid for one calender year within the trophy hunting season from 1 February to 30 November.”

He stressed that when a permit is issued it is not transferable.

The following is required regarding permits for trophy hunting:

Permits must be issued prior to the hunt commencing;

A separate permit must be issued for each individual hunting client;

An extra, special permit is required for the large cats (leopard, cheetah, lion).

It contains an additional list of conditions;

A permit must be completed in full by the hunting client and the hunting professional (wounded or lost animals must also be indicated on the permit);

Permits are issued by the ministry only

All trophy-hunting operators must be registered with the Namibia Tourism Board (NTB).

Hunting with dogs is not permitted.


Republikein 2025-03-14

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